BaJoeMi offers a wide range of services around Apple’s mobile devices.

Ranging from consulting, hardware design and development, up to implementing your ideas and concepts and bringing them into the Apple AppStore.
We can offer advise and services on deploying your App through
MDMs, but also help you set up an internal portal or web server to do so.

We focus on helping our clients making the most of their ideas as well as helping them to become a success.

The range of projects we handle can be anything from (small) internally used tools, making internal legacy applications, e.g. Lotus Notes databases, available on the iPhone, up to enterprise Apps*.
If you have an idea you would like to realize on the iPhone or iPad: just use our contact form or send an email to us and we will get back to you.

*And, yes, we also worked on a game (Tetsuki, a really cool Go playing client, do take a look, it’s great :-)